I just read a great piece in Becker's Hospital Review, “10 Key Trends for Hospitals in 2011,” which focused on hospital subject matter experts’ predictions for the new year. Their observations are relevant not only if you’re in the acute care sector of the field, but also serve as useful guideposts for any organization in the health care field.
The ‘top ten’ trends this group is expecting include:
1. Lower reimbursements
2. Recovery audit contractors (RACs) gather momentum
3. More uncompensated care
4. Political gridlock
5. Uncertain fate of healthcare reform
6. Anticipated ACO rules may open the floodgates
7. Greater focus on experimentation
8. States will further cut Medicaid spending
9. Healthcare IT payments start
10. More hospital consolidation likely
I think these will prove to be trends that all management teams will need to factor into their planning scenarios. So make sure that your team – and your plan – is ready for the new year.
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